06 Jul

In the past, back in the “good old days”, a need for new window furnishings meant that you needed to visit a showroom or arrange a consultation with a sales representative. These days, however, the popularity of the internet has meant that online roller blinds are now available. Whilst you can certainly book in a consultation with a sales representative, giving them an opportunity to measure up your windows, the process has become considerably easier.

1.Find inspiration
The first thing you should do is scour the internet for inspiration and ideas on the type of window furnishing or materials that you would like to purchase. If it has been a while since you’ve made a blinds purchase or you’ve never made one before, knowing what products are available can be of huge help. Some people like to make a Pinterest board where they can collect ideas and images for inspiration.

2.Learn more about function
Once you’ve got more of an idea about the blinds that you want to invest in, you should begin to look into the different ways they can function and operate. Do they only come with cords or chains? If so, you might want to consider whether this will pose a safety hazard for children or pets. Can they be motorised? If so, you might want to look into the various remote control and control panel options available.

3.Research the supplier
When purchasing online roller blinds, it is essential that you have done your homework on the various suppliers you are considering. You should look for one with a proven track record, as a reputable supplier will employ experienced technicians. It’s also a good idea to look into the sorts of guarantees and warranties offered, as you want to ensure you’ll be looked after if something were to go wrong.

4.Obtain a measure and quote
Some suppliers will require you to take your own measurements, which is one way that they’re able to lower their prices (as they don’t have to pay a technician to go out to your home). Others will provide a measuring service, which is often preferable because it ensures that the measurements taken are correct. If you have to take your own, be sure that you’ve learnt how to do this properly.

5.Place your order
Once you’ve found a product that you like and are happy with the quote, you’ll be able to place your order and wait until the blinds are delivered and/or installed. And you can achieve all of this without leaving the comfort of your home! When researching suppliers, we also recommend choosing one who will be able to complete the installation for you – it might cost more, but it will be worth it.

We hope that the information provided in this article has not only reassured you that buying online roller blinds is okay, but has explained how you can go about the process with ease. Whilst there are certainly risks associated with purchasing things over the internet, and you should definitely be aware of these, you should not let these stop you from getting some serious savings. Do not hesitate to contact the supplier for more information.

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